
These pages serve as additional documentation to the GitHub repository. You’ll find information how to setup and leverage this project seed for your own project.

We assume that you’ve already read through the README at the GitHub page how to get a first build going.


  • You can use any text editor to work with markdown and RAML files. Sublime Text has packages for RAML syntax highlighting (as well as for Jade, Stylus and Markdown which makes it very convenient.
  • When running in dev mode (grunt dev), Livereload is enabled which will automatically refresh your page after editing your files if you install the Livereload browser extension.

File Structure

These are the main folders:

  • src is the root of the documentation sources. Each folder here represents a section of the site.
  • templates contains the Jade templates as well as the Stylus files used on client side.
  • static contains everything that is just copied over, such as images, scripts or static stylesheets.
  • build is the destination folder of the build. This is the root folder of the generated site.


The site is divided in sections and subsections. For now, the sections are:

  • API Reference - The API reference. This contains generic articles about how the API works, as well as a generated documentation from the RAML files.
  • Blog - Various articles such as release notes, success stories, technical hints, etc.
  • Support - FAQ and contact form (server-side not implemented)