Template engine

Bring the capability to generate the files through a template engine to be able to apply some filtering of variables inside the file paths or contents.

var _ = require('underscore'),
    Q = require('q'),
    path = require('path'),
    roxClient = require('rox-client-node');

module.exports = function(nunjucks, fs, requireWrapper) {

Template loader to be able to use absolute paths. This is not possible out of the box in Nunjucks

  function TemplateLoader(options) { }

  _.extend(TemplateLoader.prototype, {
    async: true,

Retrieve the template content from its name which is an absolute path

name String The template name
Object The template loaded, its path and a caching instruction
    getSource: function(name, callback) {
      callback(null, {
        src: fs.readFileSync(name).toString(),
        path: name,
        noCache: true


  function TemplateEngine() {
    this.pathPattern = new RegExp(/__([^_]+)__/g);

Initilialize the template engine

    this.engine = new nunjucks.Environment(new TemplateLoader());

  _.extend(TemplateEngine.prototype, {

Process to the configuration of the current template engine

extras Array<String> The list of extra modules to load and configure
    configure: function(extras) {
      try {

Load each extra module

        _.each(extras, function(moduleName) {

Load the module through the wrapper to be able to inject the require for testing purpose

          var extraModule = requireWrapper.require(moduleName);

Be sure there is a loaded module

          if (_.isObject(extraModule)) {

Add synchronous filters

            _.each(extraModule.syncFilters || extraModule.filtersSync || {}, function(filter, name) {
              this.engine.addFilter(name, filter);
            }, this);

Add asynchronous filters

            _.each(extraModule.asyncFilters || extraModule.filtersAsync || {}, function(filter, name) {
              this.engine.addFilter(name, filter, true);
            }, this);

Add synchronous tags

            _.each(extraModule.syncTags || extraModule.tagsSync || {}, function(tag, name) {
              this.engine.addExtension(name, tag);
            }, this);

Add asynchronous tags

            _.each(extraModule.asyncTags || extraModule.tagsAsync || {}, function(tag, name) {
              this.engine.addExtension(name, tag);
            }, this);
        }, this);
      catch (err) {

Generate a path by applying some filtering to the paths

filteringConfig Object Configuration that contains properties that can be used to filter file paths
path String The path to filter
String Path filtered
    renderPath: function(filteringConfig, path) {
      var finalStr = path;

      var match = this.pathPattern.exec(path);

Apply filtering until there is no more filter found in the path

      while (match !== null) {
        var holderDef = match[1].split('-');

Check if the variable in the path is known

        if (filteringConfig[holderDef[0]]) {

No filter to apply to the variable

          if (holderDef.length == 1) {
            finalStr = finalStr.replace('__' + match[1] + '__', filteringConfig[holderDef[0]]);

Filter must be applied to the variable

          else {
            try {

Create a Nunjucks filter syntax from the file filter syntax and apply the filtering

              var sw = this.engine.renderString('{{ ' + holderDef[0] + ' | ' + holderDef[1] + ' }}', filteringConfig);
              finalStr = finalStr.replace('__' + match[1] + '__', sw);
            catch (error) {
              error.message = "Maybe you should try to take a look to your filter " + holderDef[1] + " which seems to be in error with: " + error.message;
              throw error;

        match = this.pathPattern.exec(path);

      return finalStr;

Generate file content by applying some filtering to the content

filteringConfig Object Configuration that contains properties that can be used to filter file paths
path String Path to the file to filter its content
Q.Promise A promise
    renderFile: function(filteringConfig, path) {

Delegate the templating process to Nunjucks

      return Q.nfcall(_.bind(this.engine.render, this.engine, path, filteringConfig));

  return TemplateEngine;

module.exports['@require'] = ['nunjucks', 'fs-more', 'require.wrapper'];