Operations processor

Processor of file operations to generate the final project from the template

var _ = require('underscore'),
    Q = require('q'),
    path = require('path');

module.exports = function(fs) {


config Configuration The configuration to build the processor
  function OperationsProcessor(config) {
    this.config = config;

  _.extend(OperationsProcessor.prototype, {

Process the file operations to generate the resulting project from template. Apply the different filtering and templating mechanism.

Q.Promise A promise that handle an array of promises
    processOperations: function() {

Prepare a promise for each file operation

      return Q.all(_.map(this.config.fileOperations, function(fileOperation) {
        return Q.fcall(_.bind(this.processOperation, this), fileOperation);
      }, this));

Process a single file operation.

operation Object An object that represent a file operation
Q.Promise A promise to handle the file operation
    processOperation: function(operation) {

Check if the operation type is supported and process the operation

      if (operation.type == "copy") {
        return this.copyFile(operation);
      else if (operation.type == "generate") {
        return this.generateFile(operation);
      else {
        throw new Error("Unsupported operation type. Current supported types: copy, generate");

Generate file operation. Take a file source and apply a template mechanism. The destination file is the file in its final shape ready to use.

operation Object An object that represent a file operation
Q.Promise A promise to handle the generation operation
    generateFile: function(operation) {
      return this.config.templateEngine.renderFile(this.config.getFilteringConfig(), operation.src).
        then(function(content) {
          return fs.outputFileQ(operation.dest, content);

Copy file operation. Take file source and copy it to a destination without applying any templating mechanism.

operation Object An object that represent a file operation
Q.Promise A promise to handle the copy operation
    copyFile: function(operation) {
      return fs.copyQ(operation.src, operation.dest);

  return OperationsProcessor;

module.exports['@require'] = ['fs-more'];