
Manage the state of the tool and its configuration to be able to generate the the project properly.

var _ = require('underscore'),
    Q = require('q'),
    path = require('path'),
    yaml = require('js-yaml');

module.exports = function(prompt, print, fs) {

Define the outputDirectory to generate the project from the template

  var globalPromptProperties = {
    outputDirectory: {
      message: "finally the output directory (will be created if not existing)",
      required: true


     Define the template engine to generate the files
     Required: true
     Define the path to the template configuration file
     Required: true
     Define the path to the template folder
     Required: true
  function Configuration(options) {
    if (options === undefined) {
      throw new Error("No options provided.");

    if (options.templateEngine === undefined) {
      throw new Error("No template engine provided.");
    else {
      this.templateEngine = options.templateEngine;

    if (options.templateConfigFile === undefined) {
      throw new Error("No template configuration file provided.");
    else {
      this.templateConfigPath = path.resolve(options.templateConfigFile);

    if (options.templateFolder === undefined) {
      throw new Error("No template folder provided.");
    else {
      this.templateFolderPath = path.resolve(options.templateFolder);

    this.fileOperations = [];

    this.templateConfig = {};

  _.extend(Configuration.prototype, {

A way to add a new file operation.

src String The source path
dest String The destination path
type String The operation type (copy or generate)
    addFileOperation: function(src, dest, type) {
      this.fileOperations.push( { src: src, dest: dest, type: type } );

Retrieve the filtering configuration

Object that contains the specific filtering values for the project generation
    getFilteringConfig: function() {
      return this.templateConfig.filtering;

Read the template configuration to be able to prompt the user about the project generation from the template. It also load extras configuration and process to the configuration.

Q.Promise A promise
    configure: function() {
      var deferred = Q.defer();

The template configuration file is mandatory

      if (this.templateConfigPath === undefined) {
        deferred.reject(new Error("The project configuration file is not configured"));

      fs.readFile(this.templateConfigPath, null, _.bind(function(error, content) {
        if (error) {
          deferred.reject(new Error(error));
        else {

Store the loaded config in a working variable

          var loadedConfig = yaml.safeLoad(content);

Ensure the properties are only the ones accepted by prompt

          var promptProperties;
          if (loadedConfig.prompt) {
             promptProperties = _.reduce(
     || {},
              function(memo, value, key) {
                memo[key] = _.pick(value, 'description', 'type', 'pattern', 'message', 'hidden', 'default', 'required');
                return memo;

Be sure there is an extras array and if yes, be sure this is an array

          var extras = _.isArray(loadedConfig.extras) ? loadedConfig.extras : [];

Build the configuration

          this.templateConfig = {
            prompt: {
              properties: promptProperties
            extras: extras

Add more configuration to the template engine


      }, this));

      return deferred.promise;

Manage a prompt to invite the user to answer few questions that will be used during the project generation from the template.

Q.Promise A promise
    handlePrompt: function() {
      var deferred = Q.defer();


Add the outputDirectory property to be asked to the user

      _.extend(, globalPromptProperties);

      prompt.get(this.templateConfig.prompt, _.bind(function(error, result) {
        if (error) {
          deferred.reject(new Error(error));
        else {

The output directory is extracted from the project configuration and will be used for a general purpose.

          this.templateConfig.filtering = _.omit(result, 'outputDirectory');
          this.outputDirectory = result.outputDirectory;

          print('Project configuration:');

          _.each(this.templateConfig.filtering, function(value, key) {
            print('  ' + key + ': ' + value);

      }, this));

      return deferred.promise;

  return Configuration;

module.exports['@singleton'] = true;
module.exports['@require'] = ['prompt.wrapper', 'print', 'fs-more'];