
var _ = require('underscore'),
    merge = require('deepmerge'),
    q = require('q');

module.exports = function(parameterFactory, print) {

  return function(ScenarioPrototype) {

    ScenarioPrototype.initializers.push(function() {
      this.parameters = [];
      this.parameterLoaders = [];
      this.parameterValues = {};

    ScenarioPrototype.beforeRun.push(function(runOptions) {
      return this.processParameters(runOptions);

Runtime Parameters Methods

Parameters can be passed as the params option to the constructor or to the #run method. The latter will always override the former.

    _.extend(ScenarioPrototype, {

      addParam: function(name, options) {
        if (!_.isString(name)) {
          throw new Error('Parameter name must be a string');
        } else if (_.findWhere(this.parameters, { name: name })) {
          throw new Error('The parameter "' + name + '" is already defined');

        var param = parameterFactory(name, options);

        return param;

#param(name, options)

Returns the value of the parameter with the specified name.

var scenario = new Scenario({
  name: 'once upon a time',
  params: { foo: 'bar' }

scenario.step('a step', function() {
  this.param('foo'); // "bar"
      param: function(name) {
        return this.getParameterValue(name);

      getParameter: function(name) {
        return _.findWhere(this.parameters, { name: name });

      getParameterValue: function(name) {

        var parameter = this.getParameter(name);
        this.checkParameterExists(parameter, name);

        return this.parameterValues[name];

      checkParameterExists: function(parameter, name) {
        if (!parameter) {
          throw new Error('Unknown parameter "' + name + '"; add it to the Scenario object with the `addParam` method');

      loadParametersWith: function(loader) {
        if (typeof(loader) !== 'function') {
          throw new Error('Parameter loader must be a function');


      processParameters: function(runOptions) {
        return q.fcall(_.bind(this.loadParameters, this), runOptions).then(_.bind(this.ensureParameters, this, runOptions));

      loadParameters: function(runOptions) {

        this.parameterValues = {};
        var parameterValues = _.extend({}, this.baseOptions.params, runOptions.params);

        var promise = q(parameterValues);

        _.each(this.parameterLoaders, function(loader, i) {
          promise = promise.then(loader).then(_.bind(this.ensureParameterValues, this, i));
        }, this);

        return promise;

      ensureParameterValues: function(loaderIndex, parameterValues) {
        if (parameterValues === undefined) {
          throw new Error('Parameter loading function at index ' + loaderIndex + ' returned nothing; it must return the updated runtime parameters');
        } else if (!_.isObject(parameterValues)) {
          throw new Error('Expected parameter loading function at index ' + loaderIndex + ' to return updated runtime parameters as an object, got ' + typeof(parameterValues));

        return parameterValues;

      ensureParameters: function(runOptions, parameterValues) {

        _.each(_.union(_.pluck(this.parameters, 'name'), _.keys(parameterValues)), function(name) {

          var parameter = this.getParameter(name);
          this.checkParameterExists(parameter, name);

          parameterValues[name] = parameter.processValues(parameterValues[name]);
        }, this);

        var invalidParameters = [];

        var errors = _.reduce(this.parameters, function(memo, param) {
          if (!param.validate(parameterValues[], memo)) {
          return memo;
        }, [], this);

        if (!errors.length) {
          this.setRuntimeParameterValues(parameterValues, runOptions);
          return q();

        print('The scenario cannot be run because the following parameters are either missing or invalid:'.yellow);
        _.each(errors, function(error) {
          print('- ' + error);

        print("Run `api-copilot info <scenario>` for help with this scenario's parameters.".green);
        print('You will now be asked for the missing or corrected values.'.green);
        print('Press Ctrl-C to quit.'.green);

        return this.fixInvalidParameters(parameterValues, invalidParameters, runOptions);

      setRuntimeParameterValues: function(parameterValues, runOptions) {
        this.parameterValues = runOptions.params = parameterValues;

      fixInvalidParameters: function(parameterValues, invalidParameters, runOptions) {

        var promise = q();
        _.each(invalidParameters, function(param) {
          promise = promise.then(_.bind(param.prompt, param)).then(_.bind(this.setFixedParameter, this, parameterValues, param));
        }, this);

        return promise.then(_.bind(this.setRuntimeParameterValues, this, parameterValues, runOptions)).then(function() {

      setFixedParameter: function(parameterValues, param, newValue) {
        parameterValues[] = newValue;
        print(('Parameter ' + + ' set to:').green + ' ' + newValue);

module.exports['@require'] = [ 'parameter.factory', 'cli.print' ];