
Promise-based HTTP client around the request library.


A client is an event emitter. The following events can be emitted:

  • request - when an HTTP request is started;
  • error - if an HTTP request fails;
  • response - when an HTTP response is received.

See Internals for more information on these events.


The following external libraries are used:

var _ = require('underscore'),
  events = require('events'),
  q = require('q'),
  util = require('util');


This module exports a factory function the can be used to inject mock dependencies.

The following dependencies can be passed to the function in order:

  • request - the request library.

For example:

var Client = clientFactory(requestMock);
module.exports = function(request) {


Constructs a new HTTP client. No options are required.

  function Client() {
    this.requestNumber = 0;;

  util.inherits(Client, events.EventEmitter);

  _.extend(Client.prototype, {


Starts an HTTP request and returns a promise that will be resolved with the HTTP response or rejected if an error occurs.

var promise = this.get({
  method: 'GET',
  url: ''

promise.then(function(response) {
  console.log('Server responded with: ' + response.body);
}, function(err) {
  console.warn('An error occurred: ' + err);

Look at the request library documentation for available options.

Additional options:

  • filters - an array of filter functions; each function will be called with the request options and is expected to return the processed options.
function signatureFilter(options) {
  options.headers = {
    'X-Signature': sha1(options.method + options.url)
  return options;

  method: 'GET',
  url: '',
  filters: [ signatureFilter ]
function uploadFile(request) {
  var form = request.form();
  form.append('file', fs.createReadStream(file));

  method: 'GET',
  url: '',
  handler: uploadFile
    request: function(options) {
      options = options || {};

      var startTime = new Date().getTime(),
          requestNumber = ++this.requestNumber,
          requestHandler = options.handler;

The returned promise is part of chain that starts with the asynchronous construction of the request options.

      var promise = q.fcall(_.bind(this.buildRequestOptions, this), options).then(_.bind(this.checkRequestOptions, this));

Then the HTTP request is started.

      promise = promise.then(_.bind(this.sendRequest, this, requestNumber, requestHandler, startTime));

Finally, handlers are added at the end of the promise chain to emit error or response events depending on the result.

      return promise.spread(_.bind(this.handleResponse, this, requestNumber, startTime), _.bind(this.handleError, this, requestNumber));


    sendRequest: function(requestNumber, requestHandler, startTime, requestOptions) {

EVENT: the request event is emitted when an HTTP request starts, with the request number and options as arguments.

      this.emit('request', requestNumber, requestOptions);

      var deferred = q.defer();

The returned promise is resolved if the request succeeds, rejected if it fails.

      var r = request(requestOptions, function(err, response, body) {
        if (err) {
          return deferred.reject(err);

        deferred.resolve([ response, body ]);

If specified, the request handler function is called with the request object.

      if (requestHandler) {

      return deferred.promise;

    handleError: function(requestNumber, err) {

EVENT: the error event is emitted if the request fails, with the request number and error message as arguments.

      this.emit('error', requestNumber, err);

      return q.reject(err);

    handleResponse: function(requestNumber, startTime, response) {

EVENT: the response event is emitted if the request succeeds, with the request number, HTTP response and execution time as arguments.

      this.emit('response', requestNumber, response, new Date().getTime() - startTime);

      return response;

An error is thrown if either the method or the url option is not a string. Note that this error is caught by the promise chain and causes the returned promise to be rejected.

    checkRequestOptions: function(options) {
      if (!_.isString(options.method)) {
        throw new Error('"method" must be a string, got ' + options.method);
      } else if (!_.isString(options.url)) {
        throw new Error('"url" must be a string, got ' + options.url);

      return options;

    buildRequestOptions: function(options) {
      if (!_.isObject(options)) {
        throw new Error('Request options must be an object, got ' + typeof(options));
      } else if (options.handler !== undefined && typeof(options.handler) != 'function') {
        throw new Error('"handler" must be a function, got ' + typeof(options.handler));

Options for the request library are the same as the ones provided to #request but without the filters and handler options which are specific to this client.

      var requestOptions = _.extend(_.omit(options, 'filters', 'handler'), {
        url: options.url

The HTTP method is automatically converted to uppercase.

      if (_.isString(options.method)) {
        requestOptions.method = options.method.toUpperCase();

      var promise = q(requestOptions);

      if (options.filters) {
        _.each(options.filters, function(filter, i) {

Request filters are executed in a promise chain so that they may be asynchronous.

          promise = promise.then(filter).then(_.bind(this.ensureRequestOptions, this, i));
        }, this);

      return promise;

After each filter, this check ensures that the returned request options are valid. Again, any error is caught by the promise chain and causes the returned promise to be rejected.

    ensureRequestOptions: function(filterIndex, options) {
      if (options === undefined) {
        throw new Error('Request filter at index ' + filterIndex + ' returned nothing; it must return the filtered request options');
      } else if (!_.isObject(options)) {
        throw new Error('Expected request filter at index ' + filterIndex + ' to return the request options as an object, got ' + typeof(options));

      return options;

  return Client;

module.exports['@singleton'] = true;
module.exports['@require'] = [ 'request' ];