cli.command.js |
var _ = require('underscore'),
merge = require('deepmerge'),
path = require('path'),
q = require('q'),
yaml = require('js-yaml');
var pkg = require('../package'),
LOG_LEVELS = [ 'trace', 'debug', 'info' ],
OPTIONS = [ 'log', 'source', 'baseUrl', 'showTime', 'showRequest', 'showResponseBody', 'showFullUrl' ],
PARAM_REGEXP = /^([^=]+)=(.*)$/;
module.exports = function(deps) {
deps = deps || {};
var commander = deps.commander || require('commander'),
fs = deps.fs || require('fs');
function Command() {
_.extend(Command.prototype, {
defaultOptions: {
log: 'info',
source: 'api'
parse: function(argv) {
var command = this.parseCommandLineOptions(argv),
config = this.loadConfigurationFileOptions(command);
build options: command options override configuration file options override default options |
var options = _.extend({}, this.defaultOptions, this.pickOptions(config), this.pickOptions(command));
make sure log level is valid, set to info otherwise |
options.log = options.log && _.contains(LOG_LEVELS, options.log.toString().toLowerCase()) ? options.log : 'info';
build custom parameters |
var params = merge(config.params || {}, command.params || {});
if (!_.isEmpty(params)) {
options.params = params;
return {
options: options,
args: command.args
parseCommandLineOptions: function(argv) {
var command = new commander.Command();
.option('-c, --config [file]', 'Set the configuration file path')
.option('-l, --log [level]', 'Log level (trace, debug, info; info by default)')
.option('-s, --source [dir]', 'Directory where API scenarios are located ("api" by default)')
.option('-u, --base-url [url]', 'Override the base URL of the scenario')
.option('-p, --params [name]', 'Add a custom parameter (see Custom Parameters)', _.bind(this.collectParams, this), {})
.option('-t, --show-time', 'Print the date and time with each log')
.option('-q, --show-request', 'Print options for each HTTP request (only with debug or trace log level)')
.option('-b, --show-response-body', 'Print response body for each HTTP request (only with debug or trace log level)')
.option('--show-full-url', 'Show full URLs even when a base URL is configured (only with debug or trace log level)');
command.on('--help', function() {
console.log(' Custom Parameters:');
console.log(' The -p, --params option can be used multiple times to give custom parameters to a scenario.');
console.log(' api-copilot -p param1 -p param2=value -p param3=value');
return command;
loadConfigurationFileOptions: function(options) {
var configFile = path.resolve(process.cwd(), options.config || 'api-copilot.yml');
if (fs.existsSync(configFile)) {
return yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(configFile, { encoding: 'utf8' }));
} else {
return {};
pickOptions: function(source) {
return source ? _.pick.apply(_, [ source ].concat(OPTIONS)) : {};
collectParams: function(paramString, params) {
var name = paramString,
value = true;
var match = PARAM_REGEXP.exec(name);
if (match) {
name = match[1];
value = match[2];
params[name] = value;
return params;
return Command;